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Guided introspection leading to greater connection is the tonic for today’s demanding world.
Guided introspection leading to greater connection is the tonic for today’s demanding world.
By creating a safe space to slow down the hectic pace of life therapy can help you begin to heal from the wounds of time and learn to discover your potential for a brilliant future.
By creating a safe space to slow down the hectic pace of life therapy can help you begin to heal from the wounds of time and learn to discover your potential for a brilliant future.
Guided introspection leading to greater connection is the tonic for today’s demanding world.

Amos Wolff, LMFT
LGBTQ+ Affirming –
Harm Reduction Practitioner, Sex Therapy Trained
Whether this is your first time in therapy or another chapter on your quest for fulfillment, I am dedicated to meeting you where you are.

Ben Sheff
The diversity of my passions, both in the city and outside it, has taught me firsthand the difficulty of balancing passion and responsibility.

Josh Chan
Therapist In Training
I am committed to building a safe, inclusive therapeutic relationship where we can celebrate all of your unique identities & strengths.

Skyler Okey
Therapist In Training
With an emphasis on emotionally focused attachment, I can help you identify the impact significant relationships in your past have on your present behavior and beliefs.

Sara Kate Gillingham
Therapist in Training
After a twenty-year writing career, I felt called to become a psychotherapist to help people integrate their lives with their truth, something too often splintered by societal pressures.

Anne Holen
Therapist in Training
Inspired by her mixed cultural background, Anne views the world through various perspectives, often questioning norms and embracing the fluidity of our identities.

Kingfisher Therapy: Dive Deep to Fly Higher
Kingfisher Therapy: Dive Deep to Fly Higher
The Greek name for Kingfisher is halcyon, leading to the term “halcyon days”. Originally a reference to calm and fine weather, the phrase is now used to remember fond memories. By “Diving Deep,” you will tap into your innate tranquility and soar higher than ever before.
Kingfisher Marriage & Family Therapy utilizes affirming frameworks that:
- Increase self-esteem
- Manage the effects of anxiety and depression
- Help navigate life and career transitions
- Heal past trauma through grounding and mindfulness practices
- Facilitate communication/conflict in Couples & Marriages
- Help Resolve Family and Parent/Child dynamics
- Navigate the challenges of the life stage of family expansion
- Manage negative consequences associated with drug use and misuse through a Harm Reduction paradigm
We align with the LGBTQIA+ Community, and are sex and kink-informed, and support monogamous, or alternative relationship structures.
* Serving all of NY & NJ
The Greek name for Kingfisher is halcyon, leading to the term “halcyon days”. Originally a reference to calm and fine weather, the phrase is now used to remember fond memories. By “Diving Deep,” you will tap into your innate tranquility and soar higher than ever before.
Kingfisher Marriage & Family Therapy utilizes affirming frameworks that:
- Increase self-esteem
- Manage the effects of anxiety and depression
- Help navigate life and career transitions
- Heal past trauma through grounding and mindfulness practices
- Facilitate communication/conflict in Couples & Marriages
- Help Resolve Family and Parent/Child dynamics
- Navigate the challenges of the life stage of family expansion
- Manage negative consequences associated with drug use and misuse through a Harm Reduction paradigm
We align with the LGBTQIA+ Community, and are sex and kink-informed, and support monogamous, or alternative relationship structures.
* Serving all of NY & NJ
In Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT), the unit of treatment isn’t just the person – even if only a single person is interviewed – it is the set of relationships in which the person is embedded. MFTs take a holistic perspective to health care; they are concerned with the overall, long-term well-being of individuals and their families.
Marriage and Family Therapists are mental health professionals trained in psychotherapy and family systems and licensed to assess and treat mental and emotional disorders. They do so within the context of all relationship structures including marriage, couples and family systems. Marriage and family therapists treat a wide range of serious clinical problems including: depression, marital problems, anxiety, individual psychological problems, and child-parent problems.
After receiving treatment, almost 90% of clients report an improvement in their emotional health, and nearly two-thirds report an improvement in their overall physical health. A majority of clients report an improvement in their functioning at work.
In Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT), the unit of treatment isn’t just the person – even if only a single person is interviewed – it is the set of relationships in which the person is embedded. MFTs take a holistic perspective to health care; they are concerned with the overall, long-term well-being of individuals and their families.
Rebuilding Stronger Parent/Child or Family Dynamics
Our formative experiences in relationships are with our primary caregivers. Research shows the imprint of early parent/child dynamics not only patterns of future success and challenges that an individual will face in building and maintaining stable and supportive relationships, but also in their mental health. Family therapy is a strength-based approach, unique in that it does not believe change happens theoretically but by bringing as many people as possible into the room.
Whether early on in parenting journeys or transitioning through a life stage as adults, culturally conscious family therapy provides a safe space to gain a greater perspective on each person to collaboratively make sense of intergenerational patterns that may be causing current challenges in connection. Like the Japanese art form of kintsugi pottery, by highlighting the break and repair, the integrity of the object is preserved, and its beauty is enhanced. It is never too late to repair that which feels severed and accept the transience, the imperfection, and the strength that binds a family together.
The multi-cultural couple
The joining of two individuals in a relationship is one of life’s delights. It can also be a recipe for misunderstandings and the clashing of cultures. And sometimes with opinions from family… well, there are only so many cooks you can have in one kitchen! Whether you and your partner come from families with similar or different racial, ethnic, religious or financial backgrounds, thoughtfully interweaving inherited family belief systems is a journey towards greater relational contentment.
Couples therapy can be useful in times of crisis, growth or infidelity. But, couples who feel stable can also benefit from exploring their differences and commonalities, to find a stronger sense of collaboration and empathy. Through premarital counseling or the deepening of relational commitment. In essence, all relationships may benefit from supported expression and guided introspection.
The Plight of the Individual in the Modern World
An individualistic society preaches that the individual and their achievements are everything. But, as Balzac once said, “Solitude is fine, but you need someone to tell you solitude is fine.” With our world becoming more and more divided, many feel that they have no one to confide in, or that they are burdening their friends and loved ones by desiring more connectedness. Research shows that issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem often result from social isolation and loneliness. Therapy can provide a space to work through the pain of being human in our technological age, generating a positive feedback loop of social, emotional and physical well-being that reaches far beyond the therapy room.
Feminist theory isn’t just for women!
Feminism is among the oldest Western political movements, beginning in 1792 with Mary Wollstonecraft’s “Vindication of the Rights of Woman.” Feminist theory challenges the archaic patriarchal power structures that subjugate us all, cis men included, alienating us from the warmth and care we need to thrive. We are all victims of inherited narratives, whether from our family of origin or larger cultural and societal norms. There is much to gain from deconstructing societal norms that stifle our spirit. Narrative Therapy focuses on this exploration through collaboration in our sessions—you will be the expert on your lived experience! Our journey will be to uplift your own self-worth through the discovery of personal accounts that casts you as the protagonist in the chronicle of your own life.
What exactly is Harm Reduction?
The societal stigma surrounding addictive behaviors, whether alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, work, or a variety of different issues, often prevents people from receiving care. For many, these habits are a mask for the pain folks feel from the trauma of being human. Harm Reduction practitioners “meet the client where they are” and hold a non-judgmental attitude to compulsive behaviors. Utilizing practical skill-building and mindfulness exercises in a collaborative, safe, supportive space can help explore whether less harmful use or abstinence is best suited for you.
Rebuilding Stronger Parent/Child or Family Dynamics
Our formative experiences in relationships are with our primary caregivers.
Our formative experiences in relationships are with our primary caregivers. Research shows the imprint of early parent/child dynamics not only patterns of future success and challenges that an individual will face in building and maintaining stable and supportive relationships, but also in their mental health. Family therapy is a strength-based approach, unique in that it does not believe change happens theoretically but by bringing as many people as possible into the room.
Whether early on in parenting journeys or transitioning through a life stage as adults, culturally conscious family therapy provides a safe space to gain a greater perspective on each person to collaboratively make sense of intergenerational patterns that may be causing current challenges in connection. Like the Japanese art form of kintsugi pottery, by highlighting the break and repair, the integrity of the object is preserved, and its beauty is enhanced. It is never too late to repair that which feels severed and accept the transience, the imperfection, and the strength that binds a family together.
The multi-cultural couple
The joining of two individuals in a relationship is one of life’s delights.
It can also be a recipe for misunderstandings and the clashing of cultures. And sometimes with opinions from family… well, there are only so many cooks you can have in one kitchen! Whether you and your partner come from families with similar or different racial, ethnic, religious or financial backgrounds, thoughtfully interweaving inherited family belief systems is a journey towards greater relational contentment.
Couples therapy can be useful in times of crisis, growth or infidelity. But, couples who feel stable can also benefit from exploring their differences and commonalities, to find a stronger sense of collaboration and empathy. Through premarital counseling or the deepening of relational commitment. In essence, all relationships may benefit from supported expression and guided introspection.
The Plight of the Individual in the Modern World
An individualistic society preaches that the individual and their achievements are everything.
But, as Balzac once said, “Solitude is fine, but you need someone to tell you solitude is fine.” With our world becoming more and more divided, many feel that they have no one to confide in, or that they are burdening their friends and loved ones by desiring more connectedness. Research shows that issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem often result from social isolation and loneliness. Therapy can provide a space to work through the pain of being human in our technological age, generating a positive feedback loop of social, emotional and physical well-being that reaches far beyond the therapy room.
Feminist theory isn’t just for women!
Feminism is among the oldest Western political movements, beginning in 1792 with Mary Wollstonecraft’s “Vindication of the Rights of Woman.”
Feminist theory challenges the archaic patriarchal power structures that subjugate us all, cis men included, alienating us from the warmth and care we need to thrive. We are all victims of inherited narratives, whether from our family of origin or larger cultural and societal norms. There is much to gain from deconstructing societal norms that stifle our spirit. Narrative Therapy focuses on this exploration through collaboration in our sessions—you will be the expert on your lived experience! Our journey will be to uplift your own self-worth through the discovery of personal accounts that casts you as the protagonist in the chronicle of your own life.
What exactly is Harm Reduction?
The societal stigma surrounding addictive behaviors, whether alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, work, or a variety of different issues, often prevents people from receiving care.
For many, these habits are a mask for the pain folks feel from the trauma of being human. Harm Reduction practitioners “meet the client where they are” and hold a non-judgmental attitude to compulsive behaviors. Utilizing practical skill-building and mindfulness exercises in a collaborative, safe, supportive space can help explore whether less harmful use or abstinence is best suited for you.
Queer and questioning individuals have their own unique stressors due to their marginalized position in the larger heteronomative and patriarchal world. Working with a therapist who identifies as a member of the queer community means that a short-hand is already established. Although a person’s sexual orientation, gender expression or identity may not be the primary purpose of therapy, affirming mental health care to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities means celebrating the uniqueness of you–no matter where you are on your journey of discovery. Now that’s what I call the Gay Agenda!
* Serving all of NY and NJ
“Calling in” to make Change
Finding a safe space to sit with the discomfort of our pain and privilege is necessary for healing. By listening more carefully to the mistakes we make and bravely asking difficult questions, we can connect to one another’s humanity and learn through conversational empathy. “Calling in” is the practice of connecting to our common humanity, while acknowledging racist, misogynist, homophobic, classist, and ablest slights. Working with a therapist who embraces anti-racist practices, promises that both of us will be in an open and vulnerable dialogue. While it may feel scary to do so, building trust with your therapist opens the possibility of leaning into discomfort and taking risks in life. This, in turn, increases the potential to be a voice of change towards a larger collective healing.
Fertility and Family Expansion
Future family cohesion begins before conception. Expanding a family with the addition of children, whether biologically, through IVF, surrogacy or adoption, is viewed as a rite of passage for many adults. But this is a multi-layered decision in our modern era. More and more young people are choosing not to have children, or are unable to do so because of biological or situational challenges. This upset in tradition can often cause shame, anger, and sadness surrounding this stage of life. The emotional turmoil and stress of bringing life into the world can erode even the healthiest of relationships. With so much unknown and few guarantees, carving out space to process the myriad of emotions that may be unearthed can make for a more grounded and connected experience. By preemptively navigating the nuances of parenthood you are setting up your family for future success.
“So I think I want to open up my relationship…”
“….but isn’t that cheating?” The ideal of a monogamous couple has pervaded Western society for centuries, even though consensual non-monogamy has existed in a variety of cultures, ethnicities, and sexualities. According to the 2012 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behaviors, approximately 4% of American couples engage in consensual non-Monogamy, as great as the number of Americans who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and/or Trans. Trends show that more and more people are beginning to explore consensual non-monogamy, but often lack the language and skills to manage a new relational paradigm. When communication breaks down, heartbreak and strife ensue. A non-judgmental trained relational therapist can help guide you and your partner(s) through conscious conversations on your journey toward ethical non-monogamy
“Calling in”
to make Change
Finding a safe space to sit with the discomfort of our pain and privilege is necessary for healing.
By listening more carefully to the mistakes we make and bravely asking difficult questions, we can connect to one another’s humanity and learn through conversational empathy. “Calling in” is the practice of connecting to our common humanity, while acknowledging racist, misogynist, homophobic, classist, and ablest slights. Working with a therapist who embraces anti-racist practices, promises that both of us will be in an open and vulnerable dialogue. While it may feel scary to do so, building trust with your therapist opens the possibility of leaning into discomfort and taking risks in life. This, in turn, increases the potential to be a voice of change towards a larger collective healing.
Fertility and Family Expansion
Future family cohesion begins before conception. Expanding a family with the addition of children, whether biologically, through IVF, surrogacy or adoption, is viewed as a rite of passage for many adults.
But this is a multi-layered decision in our modern era. More and more young people are choosing not to have children, or are unable to do so because of biological or situational challenges. This upset in tradition can often cause shame, anger, and sadness surrounding this stage of life. The emotional turmoil and stress of bringing life into the world can erode even the healthiest of relationships. With so much unknown and few guarantees, carving out space to process the myriad of emotions that may be unearthed can make for a more grounded and connected experience. By preemptively navigating the nuances of parenthood you are setting up your family for future success.
“So I think I want to open up my relationship…”
“….but isn’t that cheating?” The ideal of a monogamous couple has pervaded Western society for centuries, even though consensual non-monogamy has existed in a variety of cultures, ethnicities, and sexualities.
According to the 2012 National Survey of Sexual Health and Behaviors, approximately 4% of American couples engage in consensual non-Monogamy, as great as the number of Americans who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and/or Trans. Trends show that more and more people are beginning to explore consensual non-monogamy, but often lack the language and skills to manage a new relational paradigm. When communication breaks down, heartbreak and strife ensue. A non-judgmental trained relational therapist can help guide you and your partner(s) through conscious conversations on your journey toward ethical non-monogamy

Amos Wolff, LMFT
LGBTQ+ Affirming –
Harm Reduction Practitioner, Sex Therapy Trained
Whether this is your first time in therapy or another chapter on your quest for fulfillment, I am dedicated to meeting you where you are.

Ben Sheff
Associate Therapist, MFT-LP
Person-centered, Trauma-informed, LGBTQIA+ affirming
Looking inward creates the opportunity to see yourself and your relationships through a new lens of compassion and care.

Josh Chan
Therapist In Training
I am committed to building a safe, inclusive therapeutic relationship where we can celebrate all of your unique identities & strengths.

Skyler Okey
Therapist In Training
With an emphasis on emotionally focused attachment, I can help you identify the impact significant relationships in your past have on your present behavior and beliefs.

Sara Kate Gillingham
Therapist in Training

Anne Holen
Therapist in Training

Amos Wolff, LMFT
LGBTQ+ Affirming –
Harm Reduction Practitioner, Sex Therapy Trained
Whether this is your first time in therapy or another chapter on your quest for fulfillment, I am dedicated to meeting you where you are.

Josh Chan
Therapist In Training
I am committed to building a safe, inclusive therapeutic relationship where you can feel heard, accepted, and celebrated with all of your unique identities and strengths.

Ben Sheff, MFT-LP
The diversity of my passions, both in the city and outside it, has taught me firsthand the difficulty of balancing passion and responsibility.

Skyler Okey
Therapist In Training
With an emphasis on emotionally focused attachment, I can help you identify the impact significant relationships in your past have on your present behavior and beliefs.

Sara Kate Gillingham
Therapist In Training
After a twenty-year writing career, I felt called to become a psychotherapist to help people integrate their lives with their truth, something too often splintered by societal pressures.

Anne Holen
Therapist In Training
Inspired by her mixed cultural background, Anne views the world through various perspectives, often questioning norms and embracing the fluidity of our identities.